Tongue Mountain Hike

Basic Information

Day 3 of our Lake George Get-Away

Link to AllTrails website for Tongue Mountain Hike

Date of hike: 05/29/2021

Difficulty level: Hard

Distance: 11.3 miles round trip

Elevation: 4,838 feet

Elevation gain: 3,510 feet

Location: Lake Gorge Wild Forest, Town of Bolton, Warren County, Adirondack Mountains, NY

About Tongue Mountain Hike

Tongue Mountain is a range of mountains that transverses five major mountain peaks, which include Brown Mountain, Five Mile Mountain, Fifth Peak, French Pint Mountain, and First Peak.

Our Impressions

The road to drive to Tongue Mountain Hike is very windy and made me very nauseous. We parked on the left side of the highway as the parking lot had very few spots. We followed the blue trail.

Despite the positive reviews that rave about beautiful views, we found this to be a very boring hike to nowhere. It was just a walk in the forest aside from two vista points with very narrow views through the trees. Possibly, this was due to the time of the year, which accounted for too many leaves on trees obstructing the views. The most interesting part of this hike was that we encountered an adorable orange lizard on the way.

It was steep in the beginning but mostly an up and down type of walk the rest of the way.

Since the temperature was chilly and the hike quite uninteresting, we decided to turn back after 5 miles so only walked 10 miles of the 11.3 listed miles.

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Tongue Mountain Hike
Tongue Mountain Hike
Tongue Mountain Hike


  • Anna

    Anna was born in the former Soviet Union, the part that is now Ukraine. She came to the US as a refugee at the age of 8. She is an outdoor, fitness, health, and environment lover who found a way to express her passions through hiking. She enjoys exploring new places, seeking out adventures, and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Anna is also on a mission to help others feel young and healthy. She is a health and wellness coach that specializes in improving digestive health and IBS symptoms. Please visit her business page

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